Culture-Specific Training Aotearoa

Empower your team with Culture-Specific Training, fostering understanding, collaboration, and success.
The Massive Collective Aotearoa New Zealand
Virtual or kanohi ki te kanohi

Culture-Specific Training

This course is designed as a virtual class that contains 7 modules over 6 days in 2-hour blocks. It can be taught as an in-person, kanohi ki te kanohi wānanga (workshop) in one and a half days. In addition to the main course, we also provide optional courses which cover in-depth aspects explored in the main course.

Discuss basic facts societal background and history to better understand, "the Kiwi soul“.
Understand the importance of intercultural communication and how values influence interactions with others.
Recognise your cultural lens and how you apply it in everyday life to your cross-cultural interactions in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Receive essential practical information to improve your experience of living and working in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Develop strategies to better communicate in a Kiwi context (and potentially around the world).
Develop the knowledge, skills, and self-awareness to work effectively with people in Aotearoa, New Zealand – in your private and business life.

Need more info? Let's kōrero
The Massive Collecitve Culture Specific Training Course Format
Discussion, peer learning, and practical activities.

Course format

This programme uses action-learning principles and “training from the back of the room”.

Many people in Aotearoa, New Zealand are born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas. Many have friends and connections overseas due to their OE (overseas experience) and travelling. Even though New Zealand was privileged and at the same time kind of isolated during the pandemic, the worries about family and friends overseas have shown how multicultural and connected to the world the country is.

This course builds intercultural competency for New Zealand as a whole, as an originally bicultural country, nowadays shaped by many cultural influences. And yet, it is a culture-specific course focusing on New Zealand, and the bicultural aspects make the course so exciting and deep.

This course links cross-cultural theory, research and findings to the New Zealand culture and helps you see the country through a different lens. No matter what culture(s) you call your own, your own cultural lens will be incorporated into the course and make it spicy. The course is highly interactive, and cross-cultural interactions are part of the programme.

This practical course allows participants to use real-time activities to test out and extend individual cultural competency.

Culture Specific Background
Specialised subject areas to explore

Optional Modules

Extended your learnings, these optional modules will help you and your kaimahi expand their knowledge and understanding in these areas.

Let's kōrero
The Massive Collective Matauranga Maori

Matauranga Māori

This module covers aspects of Te Ao Māori (the Māori World) in areas of Tikanga and Kawa described as Matauranga Māori (Māori Knowledge)

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Demonstrate ability in te reo Māori language to formally and informally greet people and offer mihi
  • analyse the place of traditional Māori concepts in contemporary Māori and New Zealand society today
  • interrogate a range of Māori concepts and interpret them in terms of Māori meaning systems
  • interpret Māori values and customs using a Māori conceptual framework
  • evaluate and critically analyse the source material for the course
  • demonstrate improved reading, comprehension and oral discussion skills within the framework of Māori discussion, and
  • identify a range of the fundamental concepts, values and meaning systems of Māori society.
The Massive Collective Va Pasifika

Va Pasifika

This module covers aspects of Tāngata Pasifika and the cultural concepts of the Pacific peoples.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Appreciate the diversity of Pacific peoples.
  • Appreciate the influence of the Pacific people's socio-economic context.
  • Understand shared Pacific cultural values and motivational drivers.
  • Engage effectively with Pasifika.

The Massive Collective is a collection of professionals banded together as a Digital Agency specialising in Strategic & Business Development, Consultancy and Product & Service Development services.

All though primarily based in Wellington, Aotearoa, we are an entirely virtual team who function across all Aotearoa, Australia and with some overseas on their OE (overseas experience).